Saturday, October 29, 2005

Blog Spammers

Someone's been spamming my blog. How annoying! I keep getting messages offering my banners and stuff. Sheesh.
Oh well, not to be disheartened. I know lots of people are finding my blogs interesting and useful, and I will perservere!
The day after tomorrow I'm going for my final blood test before I start my treatment. Ooh - it's getting closer, and I'm nervous.
I'm going to go and read everybody's blogs to see how the beginning of their treatment went.


Blogger Sue, Toronto said...

Hi Filosofette and welcome back!

Hope that your last few months were great. You sound ready to begin the treatment. Don't worry about the stigma that accompanies hepc - there are so many people infected from so many different sources - as time goes on and more and more people are diagnosed, the mechanism of infection becomes less of an issue. Ultimately, it doesn't matter how we got hepc, the main thing is getting rid of it.

The needle thing is not nearly as horrific as it sounds. I was also a little aghast about having to inject myself - did the first one with my nurse, was slightly nervous for the next couple and then pretty much had it down. Never "enjoyed" it much, but it is not difficult at all. I was using the "redipen" by Schering Plough. With all brands, the needle is REALLY small, as you're just going into tissue below the skin.

Treatment is not a whole lot of fun, but it is completely do-able. I was able to work through the whole thing. So far, I'm negative for the virus. They'll check me again in January. Biggest helpful hint I can offer for getting through it - keep a positive mindset.

Hope your upcoming appointment and bloodwork go well. Please let us know how you're doing and when you'll be starting. All best wishes, Filosofette. Great to see you back.


2:35 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I new to the blog and just started reading what everone is going through. I saw you were just getting ready to start your treatment. Good for You! It will eventually give you the power of your life back over to you. The initial thoughts can be nerve racking, but you really can do it. It sucks, but you just do it. I am on my 44 week and I still tell myself to keep going. You just need lots of encouragement!

5:04 pm  

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