Thursday, June 15, 2006

My Post-Treatment Experience

I feel great and it’s only been about one-and-a-half months since I finished treatment! I know it’s supposed to take three to six months for the medication to get out of my body and I can tell it’s still in there because my hair’s still falling out, but overall I feel really good.

I’ve started jogging again. For the last few months I couldn’t muster up the energy or enthusiasm to do any exercise at all. I spent a lot of time sleeping and a lot of time in front of the TV. It was what I needed at the time, but I became really unfit and put on too much weight.

I actually lost some weight during treatment, because I lost my appetite. But my appetite came back before my energy did, so for the last part of treatment, and afterwards, I was eating all the wrong stuff and not doing any exercise.

About three weeks after finishing treatment, I felt noticeably more energetic, optimistic and enthusiastic and I started going for short, slow jogs. I was careful not to overdo it. I’ve heard stories of people throwing themselves into it too soon after treatment and knocking their recovery back.

Each one of those slow jogs around the block helped. The weight I put on is coming off and I’m feeling stronger all the time. The jogging’s speeding up and soon I’m going to have to increase the distance.

And you know what else? I’ve made myself a goal: Next summer (it’s winter here now) I’m going to enter a triathlon! Not a “real” triathlon, but an easy one – swim 500m, cycle 10km and run 3km. It’s something nice and easy that I can achieve, which gives me something to aim and train for.

I’m really pleased with how quickly I started feeling better, and I expect to only continue.

Onwards and upwards!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your comments have been really helpful. My daughter is starting treatment soon and of course I am concerned for her. Were you on pegylated or alph interferon?

All the best for the future.

4:44 pm  
Blogger Filosofette said...

I'm glad you found my blog helpful.
I was on Pegylated Interferon. You needn't be too concerned about your daughter, she's doing the best thing. Treatment was far easier than I expected and I'm just so glad that I went through with it. It feels great to be free of the virus. Good luck to you and your daughter.
- Filosofette.

9:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just finished 12 months of combo therapy yesterday. I am wondering how long it will take for the side effects to diminish.

I have had all of the side effects throughout the program; 50% good days, 50% bad days.

5:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Triathlete, who actually wins races in my age group... I'm 50-years-old and have lived with Hep C Virus for 25 years. I haven't undergone treatment yet because I've managed to stay very healthy between diet and exercise. Reading you story scares me looking down the road at treatment and knowing that I will have to go through a period of inactivity. My Dr said that because I would start with treatment so fit I should be able to still train... just slow down a lot. Good for you to set such a powerful goal for yourself.
Maybe we can form a team and raise money for Hep C foundation!!! We could invite others living with the disease... the best way to stay in our power and help ourselves is to help others!

3:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, I stubbled across your website. I am going to start treatment in a few weeks with the new drug that has just came out this summer 2011. Can you tell me if you feel a lot different from before you started treatment? They found out I had Hep C during my fourth month of pregnancy and there were times when I could barely pick up my child due to the fatigue. I want to know if after I do this, my fatigue will go away and I can ge a normal person again. I am now on disability. Your blog gives me hope. Please email me

6:00 pm  

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